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IGNIS Patches are designed to extinguish a fire when temperature rises or flames erupt without requiring any human interference or any infrastructure such as sensors or tubes.
Patches are in a self-adhesive film structure that makes it possible to apply the film on a surface easily without the need for special equipment. The patch also does not require any maintenance during its guaranteed lifetime.
Gas released to extinguish the fire is not harmful to human health or environment. Moreover, the patch is one of the lowest carbon footprint options among other fire extinguishing solutions.


IGNIS started after a dorm fire in Turkey, during which 12 kids lost their lives because of a fire which started in an electrical panel. As a materials scientist team, we decided to find innovative solutions to strop electrical fires using nanomaterials.

We are a group of material scientists located in Teknopark Istanbul, Turkey. With the help of Sabanci University and Yildiz Technical University, we combined our industrial experience with academic knowledge.

IGNIS designed a new way to apply the fire extinguisher gas. The nanosize bubbles are designed to activate on specific thermal conditions. The method of producing nanocapsules on a mass scale is also unique to IGNIS.

Organic Chemist
Computational Chemist
Reactor Designer
Production Manager
To apply, send your CV with the position information to hello@ignisnano.com.
The positions are in Istanbul. We offer WFH depending on the position.
Teknopark Istanbul,
625 Market St #200,
San Francisco, CA 94105